
Best Care Dental Blog
University City MO

Best Care Dental is a full-service dentist providing services in University City, MO and the surrounding areas. Call 314-727-6323!

Why brushing is essential

Why brushing is essential

You have heard too much to count that it’s important to brush your teeth every day. You might take this sound advice as a matter of course after a while. And here is a “catch up” on what happens if you don’t brush your teeth and the explanation for your health — and your wallet — how good oral hygiene is advantageous.

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Proper Oral Hygiene

Proper Oral Hygiene

Washing your teeth involves proper brushing and flossing. For proper maintenance of your teeth, brush with fluoride toothpaste twice a day for at least two minutes, especially in the morning and before bedtime and floss-usually at bedtime, every day.

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Best Care Dental – Dr. Maryana Kirolos provides a wide range of cosmetic, pediatric, preventative, restorative & general dentistry services in University City, MO and the surrounding communities. Call 314-727-6323 today to schedule an appointment.